


I seem to be all over the place both when I write my blog posts and when I publish them.  Ahhh, the life if a night shifter!

My goal of waking up earlier this week to enjoy the Fall sunshine with a walk outside didn’t go so well.  I don’t know why I am feeling extra tired.  Friday, I had planned to skip my workout since my bum foot wasn’t feeling to great after the corn maze’s rough terrain the day before.  I realized that while my lower body might not be up for a walk on the treadmill, my upper body was capable of lifting some weights. 

I loaded up an Aaptiv upper body/weights audio workout and got to work.

I really liked what Ackeem shared before our workout began.

Isn’t this so true with so many aspects of life.  Your weight loss or maintenance journey, your activity goals, your day-to-day job life, etc.  You must continue to persist if you want to see change.  When the scale isn’t moving, sometimes that is all we have to cling to…be persistent. 

This workout was 8 of 13 that I need for this month.  I am feeling sore so I know my increased activity will pay off down the road.  It feels good to be back at it.

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