

Weekly WI: An Unexpected Maintain

I didn’t realize I left you all hanging with a recent blogpost.  Working night shift really messes with my typing and publishing times.  So, I’m here today to check in with my Weekly WI.

The title gave it away.  Maintain.


I have mixed feelings:

It was a great week with honest tracking

I feel lighter so, of course, I expected a gain.  Lighter is nice

I am bummed going into Birthday Week Festivities that I didn’t have a loss

I am super stoked I didn’t have an unexpected gain

I lost 1.4 pounds this month

I’m down 5.8 pounds from October 2018

Regardless of the mixed feelings, a maintain is always a good thing.  And, I’m down for October and have had three months of continuous losses.  The end of the year is shaping up pretty well.


I’ve also been tracking my monthly weight number and it is also looking pretty consistent.  I’ve had a lot of ups and down this month.  I’m going to keep plugging away at it until I reach those goals I’ve set for myself.


This week the plan is to stay on track through Thursday.  If I can earn those blue dots and get in some activity, I’ll be that much ahead of birthday-fun-weight-gain.  I think the mental break will be nice and I plan to enjoy my time with family and friends this weekend.  I was really glad I spent some time preparing food when I got home from work this morning.  After my WI, had to not pre-planned/pre-tracked my food, I would have eating out and it not really cared due to feeling bummed about not seeing a loss.  That meal prep saved my bacon!  I told my coworker I plan to get on the treadmill this evening as well. 


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