

Countown To 2020 Challenge

I was going to take a rest day from activity yesterday.  The last couple of days I have been pretty sore from my return-from-laziness jump into activity.  With it being WI day so I didn’t want to risk swaying the scale with a workout beforehand.  Then, I woke up feeling less sore.  Ate some extra homemade sweets my coworker brought in.  And, had all my troopers checked out at the district office.  I had nothing better to do then get in a console treadmill workout.  Plus, I secretly want to see those three circles filled for an entire week.  I got in TWO workouts.  One before and one after midnight.

The meeting topic was on knowing your own strength.  I feel my top pillar of strength of the 24 listed is perseverance.  How does perseverance help me achieve my goals?  By not giving up when things get tough, when I don’t quite make it 100%, and when I don’t quite feel like giving it my all.  I must persevere.  I must continue going in a forward type motion if I want to achieve my goals.

WW is announcing a program change next week.  You better believe I’ve been stalking all sort of Instagram posts trying to find out all the deets.  I can’t wait until the big reveal.  There is even a chance we might see a change on Saturday on the app.  Fingers crossed!  Needless to say, I changed my WI day to Monday on the app so at least I might be able to see the changes before my evening meeting next week.  So much excitement is coming down the line.  Eeeeeeekkkkkk…maybe it is good I don’t work for WW.  I’m not very good at keeping secrets.  Especially when I’m excited.

For the next eight weeks, WW is launching a new charm challenge #wwcountdownto2020challenge where you have to not only attend your meetings six of the eight weeks, but you also have to work on completing a bingo.


Oh boy this sounds fun!  The rules are simple: any way you want to, complete the traditional bingo card.  But, you can only get a sticker for one thing per week.  I’ve been keeping track of what I accomplish this week so I am all ready to pick/choose where I need to go to earn my bingo.  I love charms and I love anything that gets you to your meeting.  Our current meeting is super small and we are now in between coaches.  I got to see Coach Cindie last week as the substitute.  That was a nice treat.  Coach Catie will be taking over staring next Monday.  That will be a nice kick off with the new WW program release.

Oh the anticipation is killing me.

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