

Weekly WI: A Much Earned Loss...Finally

After six weeks, the scale finally paid off and I saw a big loss.

I’ll admit, I had my doubts.  I was feeling good and also feeling lighter.  But I didn’t want to get my hopes up of a loss this week and was prepping myself to continue the course if I saw a gain.  Whew.  Glad it went in my favor!  I’m really happy with how my WW week shaped up: six days of blue dots and seven days of activity.  Now, let’s roll that into this week shall we.

The rollout of the new program in my WW Workshop went really well.  I waited in a small line for the doors to open so I wouldn’t have to stand in a long line.

Our new coach, Cate, started out her first meeting as a new WW Coach.  She was upper nervous but we were all there to support her.  She will be a good fit for the meeting, which had a large attendance due to the rollout of myWW.

I’ve done some meal prep and grocery shopping so I am all set for this week as I delve more into the Purple Plan.  I have a meet up with Phoenix on Thursday for drinks at this place that serves amazing cocktails, including seasonal ones.  I’m going to try and save my WSPA for Thursday and also make Thursday the only day I don’t get a blue dot.

I am also going to keep up with my activity this week and work more cross training/weights into the week too.  I know that weight training helps at the scale.  Sadly, I had to break my 10-day activity streak since I don’t typically exercise before my WW Workshop and the treadmill console was taken when I got to work.  Boo!  I’m reminding myself it is okay to take a day off.  Plus, that means I’ll be rested up for an intense Aaptiv total body weight workout.

I made good on my trip to Wendy’s and enjoyed a plain baked potato, which is now 0 SPV on the Purple Plan.  The chili was good, but could have used more beans.  The salad was a no-go.  It was soggy and not very good so I ditched it.  I was surprised this whole meal was $7.71.  Gez!  I guess when you haven’t had fast food in a while you don’t realize the cost of inflation.  But, in a pinch, it worked well and was delicious.

I have no idea what this week will hold changing to the Purple Plan and mixing up my meals with more whole grains.  I’m craving all the pasta and I’m going to roll with it this week.  I’m making a lasagna that will be 2 SPV according to the recipe builder.  I’m also going to make chicken and gravy to serve over mashed potatoes and a WW oatmeal recipe that stood out to me to shake up my breakfasts.  I’m pleasantly surprised my usual breakfast of eggs and frozen potatoes will be less points now that frozen potatoes are 0 SPV.

I’m had dinner at my parents’ house last.  Mom is trying out the Purple Plan too and said we had mashed potatoes with our pork chop.  I am a true Idahoan!

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