

December Apple Watch Activity Challenge Has Begun

December’s Apple Watch Activity Challenge is underway.  The goal this month is to close out all three of my circles 13 times this month.

I’m on it!  I am super stoked to be about to end 2019 completing each month’s goal and earning a full year of awards.

I earned several awards in November, even though I missed out on two specialty awards.  Dang it!  I earned a Perfect Month Award, which I’ve not gotten since August.

That means I closed my Movement circle each day for a full month.

And I earned my November Award for burning 21,000 calories this month.

Lastly, I had a Perfect Week since I was also working hard to close those Movement circles this month.

I’d love to try and close all three circles for an entire month, but that already sounds exhausting.  I’ll see how it goes and at least strive to complete them for a full week.  I love when I have a perfect week.

The goal for December will be to continue with strength training along with walks on the treadmill.  There is a Facebook Challenge to walk a mile a day to the New Year.  So, I’m going to focus on that goal too and then perhaps finish off with some strength training.

I need to get back to the gym classes.  I have been lacking in my gym visits even though I’m still paying each month for it.  Plus, I got charged the “enhancement fee” that you have to pay once a year.  Ugh.  I was not expect that along with my Black Friday shopping.

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