

Weekly WI: An Expected Gain But It Still Stings

I had a gain this week.

Ugh!  Even though you know or suspect a gain is coming, it is still a huge bummer and doesn’t soften the blow much.  The other huge bummer is I’m no longer under 210.  That is what hurts the most.  I was prepared for a gain but I didn’t want to see 211 again.

I’m going to track 100% this week, except for Christmas Day.  But, I’m going to make sure my Christmas Day is mindful and no sugar!  That really worked for me the week fo Thanksgiving and honestly, sugar doesn’t make my body feel good and doesn’t make the scale number pretty.  

I’m also working on pre-tracking and for the remainder of today, I’m keeping myself focused by adding NO BLT as an entry (quick add with 0 points) on each of my meals items in my tracker.  

There is too much snack party food still kicking around at work and each time I walked into the break room last night, I grabbed a few chips or pretzels.  NOT TONIGHT!  You won’t be getting me tonight snacky-snacks.

I’m not going to get too down on myself this week and I am choosing to view this weight as temporary. My food and activity behaviors this week will be the best way to ensure that is just a temporary gain.  

I’m currently still sitting at a good spot for being less than I was at the end of 2018 and I’ve got one more week before we close out 2019.  I can do this.

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