

Weekly WI: I Overslept!

Good Morning!  It is early but I woke up and can’t seem to get back to sleep.  So, I’ll do my Weekly WI check-in since I missed stopping by yesterday.

Welp, I missed my WW meeting.  Waaaaahhhh….I didn’t oversleep as much as when I re-set my alarm after I got off work at 2 am, I never actually finished the final step.  When I woke up at 11 am and saw a text message from my WW Coach asking where I was, I check and saw my 8:30 am alarm never set.  

That is a huge bummer.  Not only because I missed seeing my Tuesday AM WW Buddies but also because I had a gazillion errands I needed to run after the meeting.  Ugh.  I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make the 5;30 pm meeting time so I did my WI on the home scale.

I am actually down 7 pounds from when I last weighed-in at home in November.  And, the home scale number was less than my last official WW weigh-in, so I’ll take it!  I’m rolling through this week and I’ll do my official WI on Monday.  Still, such a bummer to miss my meeting this week.  I had already completed the six meeting charm challenge so I am still all set to receive my charm, which I am being told will be in January.

So, waking up at 11 am now put me really behind for all I needed get done.  Can you all believe that Christmas is next week?!?  Starting Thursday, I am jam packed until Christmas Eve so I was scrambling yesterday.  Kenyon got off work early and we met up with my sister to attend a funeral service of a gentleman who was taken much too young.  Jon was somebody I knew through the company my husband works for and where both my sisters used to work.  It was a well attended funeral and many tears were shed.  I just can’t get over why good people have to leave this world too soon.

After the service, Kenyon and I ran some errands before a meeting with the architect that is building the new school, assuming it passes the bond, directly across the street from us.  I mean directly across.  We’ve always known the elementary school was planned for that site but due to the capacity of the existing schools and the growth of the area we built out house, they are moving up the bond two years.  And, if approved in May, construction will start in June.  Nothing we heard last night would make us not vote yes for the upcoming bond, but boy is it going to make leaving for work at 3:15 pm difficult in the future.

We met up with Mom and Dad at Tucanos to celebrate both Mom’s birthday and Kenyon’s birthday as well as my supervisor promotion.  It was an enjoyable dinner and I always enjoy time spent with my parents.

A few more errands later, a rapid house cleaning, and ordering a grocery pick-up before an earlier bedtime than usual.  Now, I’m up and around and can’t seem to turn my mind off.  I hate when that happens.  I have a few errands to run today and am hosting an impromptu get-together with my gal pals.  I’m also working on meal prep so I am prepared for the work week.

Have a great Wednesday.

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