

Celebrating 13 Years As A WW Member

I’ve been needing to sit down and write out this blog post for a while now.  It has been difficult finding the right amount of time to devote to making sure I get it all out there and semi-organized!

This last week, I celebrated my 13-year anniversary with WW.  This used to be me, back when I weighed over 300 pounds.

This blog as been a journal of my ups and downs over the years since I started my maintenance journey in 2009.  Here are some recap posts from the last few years:

I had a FB reminder from eight years ago. 

This would have been in 2012 when I was starting to struggle more with staying in goal range.  When I look back over my weight recored and compare it to photos from that timeframe (or vice versa if the FB photo pops up), I’m surprise how good I actually look around 190 pounds.  This is why I decided to set my new doctor’s goal at 190 pounds.  

Hindsight reminds me that during those years, I was struggling big time and I felt like such a big failure.  When you find yourself back up to 253 pounds, and re-gaining 80 pounds back, 190 ain’t looking so bad.

This journey I’ve been on has been a whole life change.  I am a better person because of the struggles.  I have leaned more than I could have ever imagined about myself.  Mostly, I’ve learned how strong I really am and how if I set my mind to it, I can do hard things.

The 13th-Year has started off really great.  While it is easy to compare myself to others and get bummed out that I’ve been losing very slowly (i.e. losing and gaining the same 10-15 pounds for a while now), I really do feel like 2020 is my year.  This is the year I will re-claim my WW (new) Goal.  This is the year I will work harder, stay better focused, and make good things happen.  I can do this and I will do this!

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