

It's The Middle Of My Week

It is the weekend for most of you out there in Internet-Land but it is just the middle of the week for me.  

I have been snacking quite a bit on air popped popcorn (zero points on the Purple Plan) and having a Built Bar ( 3 or 4 points depending on which kind) most days.  I have really been struggling with my sweet tooth so the Built Bars are helping.  I just ordered two boxes on their 15% off sale.  Maybe that is also why I feel like I don’t have to hoard them as much.  They have really helped with travel and I plan to take some with us next week when we head to Orlando and Dallas.

I’m not sure if I’ll use the last of my 4 points today or if I’ll roll the over.  I’ve used several of my WSPA this week.  Plus, Fridays and Saturdays are middle of the week and the best days to use the majority of the WSPA as that tends to shake up the body nicely.  But, with no social plans this week, staying on track has been easy.  We are having a Super Bowl party at work on Sunday, but I’m bringing chili so I have a low point meal for me to enjoy.  I’ll have to stay out of all the other snick-snack items though.

I’m ending my month strong as far as activity goes.  It was nice for the month of January having to only strive for 15 minutes of activity.  It took the pressure off of feeing like I had to workout really hard all the time.  I will know soon what the February Apple Watch Activity Challenge will be.

Have you tried the Bubly drinks?  When Dawny visited in October, we tried the apple flavor.  I love flavored water and have at least one a day.  But, I’m struggling finding a good replacement for the Kirkland flavored waters, which the kiwi strawberry hasn’t been tasting good.  I spotted Bubly as I was walking into Wino the other day so I got the mango and the blackberry flavors.  They are not as sweet as other flavored beverages but I’m trying to adjust my pallate.  The mango tastes like the mango White Claw and the blackberry was also pretty good.  I hear pineapple and watermelon are good.  I’ll have to keep an eye out for other varieties after I get these two 12-packs finished up.

I love heart & brain so I’ll leave you with this dose of motivation.

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