Thanks to our new Disney+ subscription, I stayed up late watching movies as well as my usual TV shows that record on Thursday nights. Of course, when you work swing shit, staying up until 2:30am is normal. I did get up super early and never napped yesterday so it was a long day.
I woke up to news that our WW Studio Workshops are closed through May 1st. That is a huge blow to my mood this morning. There aren’t many things that I’ve allowed COVID-19 to bum me out over but travel and my WW meetings are at the top of the list.
I am so glad WW rolled out the Virtual WW Studio Workshops and not only do I have the ability to see my local WW peeps, but each day our Salt Lake City area meetings are in session. I think I might need to start hitting up a couple meetings a week. I was feeling a lot of anxiety last night over the scale, food, etc. I am determined to stay on track and I am happy about returning to work so I can get back into a routine this weekend. I have my meals prepped for the next couple of days and I have also pre-tracked. I have to go into work early today to meet with an employee on the other end of the week.
I hope you are all hanging in there the best you can. I’m feeling a bit down today and wishing I could get out and enjoy the sun, although we seem to be windy and temps are cool. I will make sure I get out and about this weekend for some Vitamin D.
Hi. Are the meetings open to any member or just those that pay for digital + meetings? Thanks!