

March - A Fresh New Month

Thank goodness for a brand new month.  Hello March!

I completed my February Apple Watch Activity Challenge.

And it is time to shift my focus to March.  This month I have to close all three rings at least 18 times.  I am going to try and shake it up this month with some other types of activity.  If the weather cooperates, I might be able to make it outside for some sunshine walks as well.  That is one of the benefits of working at 4pm.  I’m able to get out and enjoy some sun before my responsibilities start.

I’m also looking forward to a fresh month for earning blue dots.  I have been really hit/miss with blue dots this last week due to my Aunt Barb being in town.  It is always tough when you aren’t eating like your typical week plus there was several opportunities for indulgences as well.

Blue Dots are going to be my focus for March.  Phoenix and I are headed to Vegas three weeks from today.  I’ve got some major catch up to do.

Enough rambling for today.  I’ve got more to ramble about tomorrow.  Happy Sunday.

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