

Meal Prep Shake Up: Tostadas & Lasagna Rolls

In the quest to find new meals for my week, I found some WW recipes that sounded good, Shephard’s Pie & Chicken Picatta Stir Fry, as well as some a few other recipes that sounded good and/or some I’ve not had in a while.  Also on the menu this week: Tostadas and Lasagna Rolls.

I love an easy meal and these tostadas with fat free refried beans could not be easier.  

When I was looking for my usual street taco corn tortillas (1 point each) The Hubs encouraged me to find something with less ingredients.  I found these that ended up being 3 points for two.  That means I don’t have to toast them.  They are tasty too.

Quick and easy meal.  I topped my tostadas with Daisy Light Sour Cream and some romaine lettuce.  I’m having round two at work tonight.

Fresh out of the oven is Lasagna Rolls.  This was a WW recipe idea that I knew I could shave some points off.  It started with using half the meat mixture of the Shepherd’s pie (before adding in the veggies).  I tucked half into the fridge.  I mixed together fat free cottage cheese, Italian seasoning, and grated Parmesan cheese.  That mixture was blended into the meat mixture I had set aside a few days prior.

After cooking the pasta noodles, I spread a small bit of mixture down the center and also added some mozzarella cheese (a mix of both fat free and reduced fat) and topped with tomato sauce and the remainder of the mozzarella cheese mix.

I’m excited to try these out later tonight for my work meal.  I’ll have a salad along side and I’ve saved some points for a Built Bar.

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