

WW Studio Workshops Are Closing Temporarily

Welp, we received the official word.  Our WW Studio Workshops in the Treasure Valley are closing for the next three weeks.

Based on the email I also received, there is a possibility of a virtual meeting.  If that is a go, I may check it out.  Until then, I plan to continue to handle business as usual.  I will meal prep, track, and move my body so that I am sure to see successes on the “official scale” in April. 

On one hand, I am bummed because I am sure in the next three weeks, I will see the scale drop below 204.8 and I will earn my 100 pound charm.  In the interim, I’ll be weighting myself at home and at least using that as my accountability each week.  I will make sure I have double the celebration when we return to our meetings. 

This also takes a little bit of pressure off in feeling this week has to be the week I drop those last two pounds.  I sort of feel like I now have three weeks to drop two pounds, which feels really doable. I am feeling lighter this week and even though I don’t know how my home scale will compare, I am sure I will be down regardless.  I would love to be under 200 when we get back to meetings in April.  That feels like a big feat for me to expect from my body, but I can surely do my best and give it my all!

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