

11 Year WW Lifetime Anniversary

It’s the eve before WI.  I have had a great week and I’m planning to bring it home today with another blue dot.

It turns out that lack of social events and vacations are really helping myWW program.  Of course, I already knew this!  I just hate that a pandemic is what is needed to confirm it.  Oh eating out…how I miss you.  Breweries…how I miss you.  Travel…how I miss you.  sigh.

According to FB Memories, I reached my Lifetime status with WW 11 years ago today. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about this memory.  It was 11 years ago that I had lost 130 pounds and after maintaining within a two pound goal range for six weeks, I became a Lifetime Member.  For those that don’t know what that means, it is where you are FREE and no longer have to pay to attend your WW meetings and you get all the program material for free.  If you continue to weight-in once a month within the two pound goal range, you earn additional charms each year.  

In the days before my WW meeting 11 years ago, I prepared a poster of some before photos, stats on both my weight loss and my weight percentage, and some motivational quotes.  The Hubs came and my parents surprised me with balloons and flowers.  

It was a really great celebration.

I can’t believe that 11 years has gone by so quickly.  I have no way of imaging how or where my life might be had I not made the decision to join WW.  That day in December 2006 that started the wheels turning about re-joining WW and that fateful day in January 2007 when I mustered up the courage to walk into my local WW Center changed my life. Really, it gave me my life back.  The ups and downs and all the struggles don’t really matter when in the grand scheme of things…I’m down 100 pounds 11 years later.  That alone, is life changing.

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