

Is It Only Sunday?

Good Sunday Afternoon.

It has been a long work week so far, well, really just last night.  It was crazy busy and just wild calls.  So, we will see what Sunday has in store.  

Our weather took a turn and some areas even woke up to snow.  Brrrrrr…..NO THANK YOU!

The exercise motivation this month is low.  I am just not feeling it.  I am trying to still push through and get in some movement.  I did a weight workout yesterday and just finished a stint on the treadmill.  I’m struggling with just feeling tired all the time.  Even though I have set aside the time to exercise and even put on my workout clothes each morning, I am still having to pep talk myself into getting something done!  I earned a special award for completing my Stand Goal a few days ago.

Awards sure do help with motivation…at least a little.

My WW week is going strong.  

Technically, I didn’t fully track all my indulgences on Tuesday.  Partly I was relieving stress from Monday night, partly I was being careless, and partly…I just needed a break from thinking about healthy eating.  But, I also had no desire to tank the start of my fresh new month of June.  I made the decision to only track up to my 24 points, which is 8 over my daily and still earns my blue dot.  I am mindful though that I don’t actually have all these weekly points still in my bank and I could always seen a gain come Tuesday.  Regardless, I have my meals prepped for the rest of my work week and we will see what this Tuesday scale check-in says.

I have social plans on Tuesday with two different friends.  I need to start to get a handle on my Tuesday splurges so I am not spending all week undoing all my hard work.  Tuesday is the night Kenyon works and allows me to not cut into my time with him and still spend time with friends.

Have a great Sunday.

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