

Weekly WI: Wished For Better Results

Good Morning.

Oooof.  It is early and I didn’t get much sleep.  However, it is time to get moving for our mini-girls-weekend-get-away.

But first, the scale.


I did not expect a gain and I sure didn’t expect a gain of this magnitude.  DANG IT!  I told myself yesterday and will keep telling myself, “you got under 200 once, you will get there again.”  I also did some reflecting after seeing a photo on FB Memories from two years ago.

I visited my best Gal Pal Dawny in Spokane.  It prompted me to go back and see what my weight was.  Even thought I am back in the 200s, I still get to claim a 1 in front of my total loss number and I am still making amazing progress despite setbacks.

Boy it has been a month.

I am not naive to think that COVID 19 and the world shutting down didn’t play a big role in my weight loss success these last few years.  However, I have to live again and I crave social and travel (starting up again in July).  I need to get this balance thing in order moving forward so I can continue to do all those things and reach my weight loss goals.

For now, I’m going to enjoy the next few days of de-stressing and girl talk.

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