

What Would Happen If You Take That One Small First Step?

Y’all know that I love to check Facebook Memories when they roll over into the new day after midnight.  I just love to see where I was in years past.  Lately, I really love seeing photos of myself over the last four years.  I feel really proud of my weight loss efforts since turning things around in 2016.  I can sure see my 50 pounds weight loss.

I was also blessed with two different types of memories several years apart.  

Here I am after completing my second half marathon, Famous Idaho Potato, including shaving 30 minutes off my finish time.

Here I am after a the Tutu Run 5K.

The difference between these two photos is 5 years and approximately 78 pounds.  When I walked both of the half marathons, I was in waaaaaay better shape than when I walked that 5K.  Walking the 5K was really all I could muster up after walking some 10Ks and even the Bloomsday 12K in Spokane.  

It is hard to come to the realization that you have let yourself get so out of control that it just isn’t healthy to make yourself push through another long distance walk.  I knew something needed to change and I finally found the courage to re-gain control.  The years that have followed were not a perfect downward trend back to my original WW goal weight of 175 pounds.  That doesn’t make any of my hard work any less amazing.  We each hold the power within us to take control.  Whatever feels out of control and scary to navigate, I promise you that if you just take that small first step, you will feel so much better years down the road.

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