

Break Time

I made it.  In fact, I forgot to publish this so It is finally already the end of vacation!

As I am sure it is with each of you, since mid-March, it has been hard on everybody.  My outlet for stress relief is travel and time with my husband.  Due to COVID-19, I have not been able to do either of these.  

Well, of course I see my husband.

We have been on opposite shifts since I promoted to supervisor at the end of December.  While we make it work, some days it is hard.  With Kenyon on graveyard and me on swing shift it feels like we see each other less than we did when he was on day shift as I am on swing shift.  The end of August will be shift change for Kenyon again which means we will sync up again a bit better.

Work stress has been off the charts these last six and a half months.  Some days I feel like I have it all figured out and some days I am literally wishing I could be anywhere but there.  I’d like to say that I have a great rapport with my shift team, as well as my supervisory team, but I think I am just a pawn in their game.  I know I am hated simply because of title I keep and I work really hard to not take any of that personally.  

It can be really lonely at the top.  It has given me new perspective of my supervisors in my past and how I wished I had treated them better.  I wish everybody could gain this type of perspective and realize that while it is easily to feel wronged by those you work with, you play a part in all of it too.  It isn’t all just one sided.  And it makes me sad to see so much hate, discontent, and bullying.  I really wish dispatch centers were not so toxic.  Why can't people just be nice?

As I update this, I’ve actually still been dealing with work issues since I landed in Vegas. They are waiting for me when we get home.

I know I have many areas I can continue to improve in and I will keep working on myself and developing my supervisory skills.

We have had a great time and are headed home with some winnings. Plus, we have played on the House Money all week. We also redeemed comps and slot free play so it was a really great vacation.

See you soon.

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