

I AM...

Over the last few weeks, our Virtual WW Workshop has been talking a lot about confidence.  We have been identifying I AM statements where we feel confident in our ability to do something.

For example, instead of saying I like to run, you can say the same statement with confidence when you say I AM a runner. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I AM statement that I am confident about.  The one that always comes to mind is I AM strong.  I can do hard things.  Sometimes it feels like I get beat down but I remind myself that I am strong and that I can do whatever is that needs to be done.

Another confident statement that has been evident for a while now is:

I AM plus size.

I can say that statement with confidence and furthermore, it is okay to be plus size.  It isn’t a bad thing or a negative notion.  It is a fact that I wear plus size clothing, which fits me and looks the best on me.  I also feel the best when I look the best.

Since 2014, the scale has been climbing.  In 2016, I finally found the courage to take control of my WW program and get back on track.  The weight isn’t coming off as fast as it did when I first lost over 100 pounds.  Along the way, I have gained new appreciation for my body.  I have learned to appreciate myself at all stages of weight loss and weight maintenance.  Recently, I have needed new work pants.  My old pair was a size 16W and I received a lot of comments on how baggy my pants were getting.  While this was a compliment as more people have been noticing my weight loss, it was time to buy new pants.

I swear…pants shopping is like swimsuit shopping.  I was really having a difficult time because I would tray on a size 14 and it would feel too small.  Why was I going to buy new pants if they were still going to be size 16??  I struggled and struggled until last week I finally had success.  I went into Lane Bryant to see what they had for options.  I took a size 14 and 16 into the dressing room and low and behold…the size 14 FIT!  And they looked dang good.  No more baggy pants.  No more saggy but.  I was looking mighty good in these pants and with the added stretch to the fabric, they were quite comfy.

The same thing happened a few months ago when I bought some size 14 shirts from Lane Bryant.  I put them on and instantly felt like it flattered my figure and I get compliments every time I wear them.

I AM plus size.

And that is okay.

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