

Weekly WI: The Scale Went The Wrong Way

 Good Morning!

I did not see the success on the scale as I had hoped today, but I also sort of anticipated it.  

I am glad my gain was only one pound and not more.  I also feel it is 100% temporary.  This week will be the week that really counts!

I am going to power through this day and get in a workout that is a bit more intense than usual.  I need to get these movement calories on the up-swing since I am more than half way through the month and have a lofty Apple Watch Activity Goal still to accomplish.  But, I am on my way.

This last week at work, I spent a lot of time standing more throughout the day instead of sitting.  My coworker was sharing some information on how standing during your day burns more calories and she set a goal to stand more.  I jumped on her motivation train and started following her example.  That helped me surpass my calorie goal several days this week

I am going to adopt this new behavior for the rest of this month in hopes that I will reach that goal come the end of September.

I don’t think that this point I will be back under 200 at the end of September.  That is okay.  This means I’ll keep working at it throughout October and beyond.  It is a little bit of a bummer but I am going to adjust my mindset so I am not dwelling on it.

Have a great Tuesday. 

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