

WW Weekly: I SURVIVED This Week

 I survived this week!!!

It was a very busy week with lots of overtime at work, lots of stress about staffing, and struggles with sleep due to the stress of it all.

Many times this week I told myself, “Don’t eat the stress.”  “Don’t give into the tired.”  Most days I won.  Some days, I didn’t.

But, I survived!  And THANKFULLY I have three days off to rest, recuperate, and spend time with my husband.  I am really looking forward to this time away from work.  While I do love my job, there are some days (or weeks) that are just downright tough.

I am looking forward to tackling the WW week head starting on Friday.  Until then, I’ll be taking some rest and working on some self care.  I just got some great ideas from my WW Workshop this week with some new meal ideas and maybe some meals I haven’t prepared in a while.  It will be nice to shake it up.  

I was really happy with my small gain this week.  I had feared the worst thinking I might even gain 3 pounds.  So, the small gain was a relief.  I went back to look at my weight record and I am lower than I was over the last five years.  I am only 3.8 pounds heavier than I was six years ago.  This makes me feel really empowered.

Stay The Course.

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