

Face To Face Friday

 I’ve been impatiently waiting my Black Friday purchases.  I’ll be honest, there was a bit less satisfaction to buy online and have to wait so long for it to come.  Since I ordered some holiday thermals from Old Navy, as well as some holiday face masks, I wasn’t sure I’d get them before this season was over.  Thankfully, they finally arrived!

I was feeling so good when I put on my new thermal that I just had to snap a photo.  It is such a great feeling to feel good in your clothes, your body, and your life.  Seriously, I think with age comes this little bit of not caring what others think and/or finally not giving that so much power.  It feels good to just be ME and just do ME.  40s really are pretty great so far.

Since it’s Face To Face Friday, I also did a comparison from the recent Facebook Memory.  Here is 44.6 pounds of re-gain gone again.

This re-gain has really taught me so much over these last four years.  I have grown so much by this experience.  I think I have grown more from re-losing the weight than I did during the re-gain years.  Of course, losing weight always feels 100x better and more positive than gaining weight.  So, naturally, the one journey is more positive than the other.  

On top of that, you don’t really work hard to gain weight.  It is actually pretty simple.  However, losing weight is another story.  You work so hard at it that seeing the rewards, scale and otherwise, just feel so good.  These rewards need to be celebrated.  Each day you accomplish a goal should be celebrated.  Some days we win this battle of the bulge and some days we don’t.  In the grand scheme of things, if we can move forward to health and happiness then we really are winning the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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