

Making My Meals Fancy

I can easily get into a food rut.  I tend to eat the same breakfast, which I really do love, and then rotate similar type meals in/out for lunch and dinner.  Occasionally I find new recipes to try but mostly, I’m pretty boring.

While wondering the isles of Costco looking for canned soup, my husband spotted this Alfredo sauce.  I scanned it and revealed it was 1/4 cup for 4 points and 1/8 cup for 2 points.  I don’t like my pasta dripping with sauce so we decided to pick it up and give it a try.

The back of the label suggested using it on pizza and a brilliant idea came to mind.  I love to switch out pizza sauce for “white sauce” at pizza restaurants so why not do it at home too?  I made a pita pizza using a Joseph’s Pita and OMG…it was amazing.

My pita pizza came out to 7 points.  I wanted to savor every bite so I cut it into six slices, and even shared one with The Hubs.  I had gotten a bit too hungry in the afternoon since I was out running errands so I paired it with a huge salad.  This brought my lunch to 10 points, which is a lot more than I typically have.  Had I gone to an actual pizza establishment, I would have run me three times that amount.  Pizza craving satisfied!

Since I am on the Purple Plan and whole wheat pasta is zero points, I knew I wanted to have this Alfredo on some pasta.  Do you know how easy it is to make a single serving of pasta?  So easy!  (I actually made two servings)

Weight/measure out your pasta and boil it for 7-ish minutes.  

Weigh/measure out your pasta sauce, any type of spread works great too and heat it up in the microwave just a smidge.

Pour your cooked pasta over it.  Mix and enjoy.  

It’s as easy as that!  I served my Alfredo pasta with a Trader Joe’s chicken sausage and some frozen peas/carrots for an was 5 point meal.

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