

Weekly WI: The End Of 2020

 The first time I saw the WW scale read under 200 pounds was August 2008.  When your starting weight is 304.8, that is a big milestone.

Fast forward several years and a re-gain of 80 pounds, the next time I saw the WW scale read under 200 pounds that  really had an impact for me was June 2020.  I even ended the month of July with the best numbers I’ve seen in a while.  I so badly wanted to stay under 200 as I continued my efforts towards my new doctor’s goal weight of 190.  Despite all those efforts, I will not see Onederland again in 2020.  

I know without a doubt that I will see Onederland in 2021 and while I am bruised, slightly disappointed, and  wishing the outcome had been what I had hoped for, I am in a better mental space thanks to 2020 and all its challenges.

I am ending this year with a loss.  Not many people can say that amongst a Global Pandemic.  I am really lucky to have been able to focus on my WW program this last year.   As I near the end of my day-by-day calendar I got while visiting Oprah in Dallas.  This seems fitting for today.

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