

Ringing In The New Year In New Mexico

We spent our New Years Eve, along with Kenyon’s birthday in New Mexico.  It has been about 18 months or so since we last visited the in-laws and they were really wanted us to come.  Due to COVID we have had to push this trip back since April.  Finally, there is a slim chance we could go and we took it.  While I was on the fence if we should make the trip, I am glad we did.  It has been an enjoyable time.

We have not been able to meet our great nephew, Karson who is absolutely adorable.  So is our great niece Kanani, who will be five in February, and our niece Kirana, who will be five in June.  

We had the whole family together and were able to get a group photo, which was a feat in itself with so many people looking in so many directions.  These types of memories are priceless.

We celebrated Kenyon’s birthday.

Then rang in the New Year.  

It was a really great trip that went entirely too fast.  I am very ready to get back on track and start working hard at my WW program in 2021.  With in-dining restaurants closed, it was not the best food choices.  Oh boy am I craving fresh fruits, veggies, chicken and rice.  More and more I realize how much the Purple Plan is amazing, especially when I am off plan for a few days.

I kept up with activity and logged at least 30 minutes each day.  I was able to see my Aunt Barb and we went for an hour walk at a nearby area with these really need wood carvings.

Until next time New Mexico.

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