

Making History

I received my first round of COVID vaccine thanks to a First Responders Clinic provided by the Canyon County Paramedics.

There was so many pros and cons in making a decision to get the vaccine or to not get the vaccine.  I have been going back and forth for month and made the decision to partake in the opportunity presented to me.  Instead of dwelling on all the negatives and unknowns, I am choosing to look at this decision as being on the ground floor of making history.  In 20 years, I will have the honor of being one of many to receive the first ever vaccine developed to hopefully reduce the spread of the pandemic.  

The reason I say reduce the spread is because there are still so many unknowns associated with the vaccine and it is also unknown on 100% immunity and/or 100% transmission rates.  It is just not known.  I would never judge the decision somebody makes on whether to get the vaccine or not as it is a personal decision and one that only you can make. 

I managed the first round like a champ and I am hoping the second round goes just as smoothly.  I was super nervous as I don’t love being sick or having flu-like symptoms.  I have many that were already given the first shot before I schedule mine and I have been hearing about their experiences.  It helps me think about what to expect and perhaps how to combat some of what I could possible also have to deal with.

My tips for the first dose:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Move your arm
  • Take Tylenol every 6 hours for at least the first day
  • Rest and take it easy if you need to 

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