

Oprah's Your Life In Focus: Be The Love You Need Virtual Experience

I spent some time last week watching Oprah’s Your Life In Focus: Be The Love You Need Virtual Experience.

Similar to when I saw Oprah in person, there have been two "boosters" to her Your Life In Focus event.  This most recent one was offered to me through my WW membership and while I did sign up to attend live last Saturday morning, working night shift is difficult for getting up early.  Later that day, I was sent the link to watch it on You Tube.  I spent part of one day watching a little before I had to go to work and I finished the rest while I was walking on the treadmill earning my activity awards.

It was an amazing boost to my WW program and I loved every minute of it.

Oprah just has this gift for energizing people.  She is so open, real, and honest.  She stressed many times how important it is to love yourself, at every stage of our weight loss journey.


We ended the session by filling out a contact.


I am committed to being the love I need in the following way:

  • ·       Recognizing the struggles are part of being human
  • ·       Replace negative self-talk with kindness
  • ·       Remind myself I am worthy of compassion and acceptance
  • ·       Create rituals that get me back on track
  • ·       Helping someone else be kinder to themselves
  • ·    Other ­­­­________________________________________


What will you commit to?

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