

Why Weight Loss Can Seem So Difficult

 In looking back at my yearly weight record, I wanted to share a little as to why it can be difficult for me to lose weight.

In June 2020, I finally saw 199 on the scale.

In September, I was back up to 206.

That seems to be my typically weight loss journey.  Working hard at brining the scale down is only one half of the equation.  The equally hard part is keeping it there.  After I reached my doctor’s goal weight of 175 in 2009, I maintained my weight pretty early for five years.  I was able to keep my weight within the 2 pound weight range, occasionally tipping the scale back up but getting a handle on it.  

When I refocused in 2016 and starting to tackle the re-gain weight, I noticed that I had this bad habit of trending up 5-10 pounds over September - January.  Once I became more focused on that, I was able to keep my gaining in check.  Then, I noticed I was trending up the scale 5-10 pounds over the summer month.  Ugh.  It is a never ending battle.

I don’t quite have a handle on my summer gain.  It is directly related to two things:

  • Vacations
  • Social Situations

I am proud I bring my weight back down and no longer struggle with the constant uphill gain climb.  But, sometimes it is really frustrating to spend all this time re-losing weight over and over again and not feeling like I am getting closer to that new doctor’s note goal of 190.

I want 2021 to be my year.  This is the year I want to get a handle on my summer gain AND my fall gain.  I want to break that cycle of gains/losses so that I can re-claim goal and just focus on maintenance again.  

This is the perfect time to start digging in and figure out my plan to help me be successful.  I often have lower weight numbers in February and March.  I am going to work really hard to give it my all for the next seven weeks.  Then, we will have a vacation.  That gives me seven weeks to come up with a plan that will balance being on track, enjoying vacation indulges, and keeping that weight gain to a minimum.

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