

Positive Pep Talks: I Can Do Hard Things

The last year and a half have challenged me so much.  The opportunity to promote to supervisor at work feel into my lap and I am not sure if I was 100% ready.  For those that don’t know me, I never saw myself as a supervisor.  I have a lot of qualities that make a good supervisor but the one part that has always been lacking is the ability to connect with people in a leadership role using “soft gloves.”  I struggle with coddling and my brutal honesty easily hurts feelings.  

It has been a really big learning curve that I am committed to navigating.  I have to remind myself time and time again that I won’t be good at something overnight and that it will take time to learn and grow.

Having a growth mindset is so important in my WW journey and it also helps me each day in my professional life.  The Weekly Technique not only applies to weight loss, it also applies to other areas of my life.

Practicing positive self talk has been really helpful this last year and a half.  I often have to pep myself up with the mantra, “I can do hard things.”  Which is true.  I CAN do hard things.  A positive mindset breeds positivity and having a can-do attitude sets the right tone vs. a can’t-do attitude.  

What positive mantras do you use when you need to give yourself a little positive pep talk? 

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