

Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed

Early Wednesday morning, I finished working 12 days out of 16.  I am exhausted.

Sometimes situations like this is just how the pieces fall.  It was a bit disheartening at times and my schedule has been all over the place making necessary adjustments, both work-wise and personal-wise.  On Monday, I woke up in the worst mood.  I swear it felt like I was at work the entire night in my dreams.  I woke up to some emails that really set me off and the bad mood just continued to spiral.

I decided I either needed to go for a walk or have a rest day.  I chose the walk.  While on my walk, as I was visiting with Dawny through the Marco Polo app, I noticed the beautiful bushes filled with white pomp om flowers.  I figured what the heck, it is community property and I picked one to take home.  While my mood had not totally lifted, I felt a little better.  I looked at my flower before I left the house and decided to take it with me to work.  I needed some positivity and the feel good of this pom pom was sure to help.

The pom pom, along with a nice chat with one of the other supervisors and my manager made me feel better.  I pointed out my flower to all the stopped by my office the remainder of the night.

When I went to take a photo for my blog, I took a look at what my daily positivity calendar said.


Well, if that isn’t appropriate. 

It was a hard few weeks but I survived. 

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