

Packing Lists & Pre-Packing

I shared earlier in the week that although I still have eight weeks to go until our cruise, I have started putting together my packinglist.  We will be checking our bags vs. the usual carry-on this trip as we are traveling with my parents.  I don’t want to over pack but I do like the idea of having a little more room since I am not 100% sure what to pack for an October cruise to Alaska.

Our prior Alaska cruise was in June of 2010.  I remember it was pretty cold on the ship deck due to the wind but we got very lucky on our port days.  The key to any type of travel, especially carry-on bags, is to dress in layers.  This allows you the most flexibility and also allows you pack less clothes.  When I am on a cruise ship, I know I’ll dress differently for at-sea days where we will be in doors all day vs. port days where we will be outside walking around. 

I really hope that we won’t have rain.  I think Summer is the rainy season and I’ll be keeping an eye on the weather as it gets closer.  I also heard it could snow.  I’ve been told by my friend Kelsey that used to live in Alaska to prepare for 40-50 degree temps and possible snow.  I plan to pack and umbrella and my hat/gloves/scarf.  Every time we travel, I pack my ScotEVest coat, which has been great for travel and for layering.  With it being October and the start of Fall, you bet I’ll be wearing my jeans, thermal/long sleeve shirt, and zip up fleece vest.  Fall is my very favorite time of year for hoodies, jeans, and tennis shoes!  I do also want to pack some nicer clothes for evening dinner/drinks/entertainment while on the ship.  I would like to pack a couple of nice sweaters, but again…packing room is key.  If you know me at all, you know I will be doing some practice packing before our trip.

In 2010, I bought a rain jacket in anticipation of our Alaska cruise you know…because of layering! 


In port at Victoria, BC

1st Cruise on Norwegian Pearl in Alaska

It is a size large and after I had regained 80 pounds, it just sat in my closet.  I never really needed a rain jacket so I never got rid of it.  Since I've lost 60 pounds, guess what fits again??  Okay, mostly fits!  It doesn’t zip but will work perfectly as an extra layer in case we have rain. 

And it is an NSV moment.

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