

Weekly WI: A (Hopeful) Temporary Gain

Good Morning!  It has been a really tough week with two more work shits to go.  I’m almost there!

My weigh-in as not great today.  I had some high point days earlier in the week and spent the last five days on track.  Sadly, I gained 2.0 pounds.

I am thinking this is a temporary woman monthly spike and need to really dig deep and stay the course this week.  I only have one more weigh-in before our Alaska Cruise so things are getting real…real quick!

I am also thinking of doing my employee monthly check-in on October 1st so that is taken care of before vacation.  I am really starting to worry about how I am going to bring the scale back down.  I am up 4.6 pounds since my lowest weigh-in at the end of June.  I looked back at my weight record from last year and I am down 4.4 pounds.  In hindsight, four pounds isn’t that much to freight about.  Since I just joined WW as an employee, my weight now becomes a bigger focus.  So…I have to keep pushing!  I need to find that sweet spot of losing again and get back on that downward trend.

I was telling my Mom that it will feel good to have a nice fresh start after our return from vacation.  It just feel like that time of year where we put away our summer clothes and hunker down for the winter.  I really do like being in-check and on-plan.  That is when I feel my best.  I am hopeful that some water weight will drop off in the next few days.  Until then, I just stay focused on my goals.

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