

Transition From Guide To Coach

When I joined WW as an employee, I’ve always had my sights set being a WW Coach.  I honestly was thrilled to finally be offered a job working with this amazing company that I really didn’t care if it was as a Guide (the person that does the check-in and administrative tasks) or a Coach (the person who leads the Workshops).  Typically, you will be hired as a Guide so you can learn the ropes and after about six months, you are eligible to go through Coach training and start leading weekly Workshops.  With the COVID shut-down and trying to ramp up the in-person Workshops again, I had the opportunity to fast track to a WW Coach and two weeks ago, I was invited to train as a Coach.  

Boy has it been a whirlwind of a few weeks.  I found out the Coach training would be lumped into the same week as the new Personal Points Program launch AND a week that I was scheduled to work a 6-day work week at my regular job.  On top of that, I was invited to attend the Monday Morning Workshop for the new program launch and an opportunity to meet the WW members as I would be taking over as the new Coach the following week.  Oh yea, that was also the same week I was scheduled to work the graveyard shift at my regular job.  WOAH.  It has been a busy two weeks with a lot of creative shuffling, an abundance of espresso, and trying hard to keep my head above water.


Coach training went great, and I learned a ton.  The days were long between training and working my regular shift until 2am.  I earned a lot of activity points too!

In the end, I made it through.  I officially lead my first WW Workshop this morning (after I got off work at 6am from my 10-hour shift).  It was a success although I had to rush through the technique of the week due to lots of questions and really good discussions.  I really love the Monday Morning WW members in Nampa, and I am looking forward to many more weeks to come.  There is still a lot to learn, and I am hoping in the next few weeks things start to settle back down and I can find my groove.  I am currently helping out at the Friday Morning Workshop in Meridian until the new Guide can get some experience back under her belt.  This is just one more opportunity that I can learn and grow with this company.

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