

Weekly WI: A Maintain As We Approach The Holiday Season

 Good Morning!

I stepped on the scale Monday morning as we were having our dispatch work party that evening and wasn’t 100% sure if I would indulge in the high point food and treats planned.  I was the exact same weight as the week before.

I worked really hard last week to stay on track and committed to my WW program.  I also said no to several treats and alcohol in preparation for the Christmas holiday week ahead.  I was a little bummed the scale did not show the loss I was anticipating.

Monday I had my annual physical appointment.  Over the last year, I’ve been working hard to get the scale below 200 and keep it there, especially when I got to my two annual doctor appointments (thyroid doctor and my NP).  I was elated to see that I was under 200 pounds on the scale a the doctor’s office.  That made me feel really awesome.  I am still working to have that scale show below 200 at the thyroid doctor, which I see in August each year after my summer gain!  I will be extra vigilant in 2022!

I am staying focused this week on making those days around the holiday count the most.  I ended up eating a few bites of cookies on Tuesday and a few bits of pizza.  I found that throwing the rest in the trash can became my friend but I still consumed more than necessary.  I know more treats are coming this week and I will look forward to the holiday splurges when they arrive ON THE DAY.  The days before and after will be business as usual.

Have a wonderful holiday week!

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