

Weekly WI: A Much Needed Loss

 Good Morning and Happy Groundhogs’ Day.  

Six More Week Of Winter.  I really feel for the east coast.  Ugh.  It would be awful to be under so much snow.  Stay safe out there.

January ended on a high note with activity but not with my food.  

It was a struggle for much of January, which typically is a successful month.  The start of the year is usually really successful so I am determined to get this train back on track and head towards loser-town.  Ha, that sounds funny when you stay it that way.

I saw a loss at the scale, which I desperately needed and worked really hard to achieve.  This week was on track with food, activity and sleep.  It feels really good to see a loss.

I took the assessment again in the WW app selecting potatoes and corn as my Zero Point foods.  It dropped my daily points allowance from 21 to 18.  My morning frozen potatoes at breakfast were 2 points so not really much of a change per se.  I don’t know that I have corn everyday but it also makes popcorn a Zero Point food again.  I’ll see how I feel about 18 points and continue to use my Weekly Points Allowance as needed.

I am also feeling a little bit of the push-pull to relax and have some fun this week but I must re-adjust that thinking.  I have goals that need to be met and while I don’t have to be perfect, I need to stay the course and bring the scale back down.  Even with my loss this week, I’m still up there higher than I’d like to be for my February employee weigh-in sometime this month.

I also have some flexibility this month for my workouts, which I’ll go into more on the next post.

Have a great day.

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