

Weekly WI: Hard Work Pays Off

My hard work showed up on the scale.

I chatted with my WW manager and have made the decision moving forward that I will get on the “official” scale each week vs. just the once-a-month employee weigh-in.  I always weigh myself at home but by weighing in each week at my workshop location, I hope this will take some pressure off.  I also helps that I have big plans for working hard to see that scale go down each week.

I met up with the Caldwell Coach Katy for a walk after my Tuesday workshop.  We walked in Caldwell at a location I’ve never been and really enjoyed the scenery.

It is nice to get a good boost of activity in at the start of my day.  We are waiting for Kenyon’s brother and family to arrive in town for the night.  I’m looking forward to spending with my cute little niece.

The week ahead is wide open with ample opportunities to be on track and dedicated to my WW program.  I am really thinking of meal plan ideas for the week to keep me focused.  I also plan to continue to ramp up the activity.  I feel so strong after this week under my belt.

Let’s do this!

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