

Weekly WI: The Dreaded Post-Vacation Gain

I checked in on the scale between my return from Girls Weekend in Portland and leaving for Girls Weekend in Spokane (trip recaps still to come).  I was up over seven pounds on the home scale…gulp!  

I am really good at one thing: gaining weight on vacation.

I didn’t want this gain to overshadow all the plans Dawny and I had made and I wanted to enjoy all the fun.  I planned to check in again on the home scale but skip the official WW scale.  I lost about a pound of the weight I had gained and was thankful I didn’t put on anymore and/or I’d taken that excess off between Thursday and Tuesday.  My monthly total for September spiked up a lot.

This is just feedback.  While there are so many decisions I could have made differently, I just didn’t want to.  Vacation for me is a break from the stressors of my real life and if that bring a weight gain with it, so be it!  I will weigh-in for October next week on the WW official scale, although I don’t expect my entire gain to to be gone.  It will take some time and I am committed to putting in the work.

I have been back on track since my return and I’m working to set my upcoming week up for success as well.  It is 17 weeks until our group cruse and while I plan to have weight spike again, I’ll be spending these next several weeks working hard to get the scale to go down.

It is also officially one year since I have been working for WW.  What an amazing and exhausting first year it has been.  I want to spend time properly putting together a recap of the last year so I’ll be back with more in the near future.

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