

Cruise Life: 99 Days To Go

After booking a cruise with over 500 days to go on the countdown…

…we are OFFICIALLY 99 days to go!




This group cruise is going to be epic and I can hardly contain myself.  After having to cancel our October cruises and not really being able to travel with Kenyon, I am looking forward this trip.  Having a couple of my best gal pals and their significant others come along is going to make the trip so much more fun.


The Vlogger Group Cruise is quite large, and I’ve been interacting with people on the FB page that I am looking forward to meeting in person.  As part of the group, we have a few schedule events planned but other than that, it is all on your own.  My group of six (Phoneix & Stacey, Wanda & Michael, and Kenyon & I) will be planning some dinners on the ship together, taking in some shows, and just enjoying our time together.  The group cruise travel agents created a shirt for order, and I really love the logo.


Our shirts, I got the hoodie instead of the sweatshirt, did not come correctly and need to be re-printed.  I’m still waiting to hear from the company.  Bummer!


Waiting is the hardest and so I’ve been researching ship stuff, restaurants, drinks, and port stops.  Oh man, I am so excited.  These 99 days cannot come fast enough!

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