

Weekly WI: What The Heck?

Good Morning.  It’s the last day of February and we are about to this the shortest month of the year finished up.  Weeeeehaaaaa!

I am ready for a brand new shinny month.  I do love the energy of a fresh clean slate.  I have been so off track that I desperately need something to cling too.  I am planning to make March a successful month by getting back into healthy habits that make me feel better.  Unfortunately Mother Nature has not been nice to us (other parts of Idaho have it way worse than my neck of the woods) and warmer temps are not on the horizon quite yet.  I am looking forward to getting out for walks and riding my bike again.  I also want to get back into strength training.  I need to commit to better meal planning and really focus on reconnecting with those habits that make weight loss successful.

My month has been crazy!  

I had a small gain before we left for our cruise, a 0.6 pound gain upon our return, a maintain, and a 0.6 pound gain last week.  Since then, my resistance muscle has been low and I’ve been flailing around not feeling connected to any part of life right now and behind 100% in everything!  My boss at work even pointed out I have not yet completed my monthly training.  Yes Boss, my life is falling apart!  Ugh.  I am so relieved to not have a trainee for my two overtime shifts my two regular shifts coming up.  What a breath of fresh air.  I can finally feel normal again!

Anyway…back to last week.  I was really worried about a five pound gain hoping I could at least sneak by with a three pound gain and was shocked to see I have lost 0.6 pounds this week.  What?!?!  I wasn’t the only one shocked this week.  Time and time again on the scale I heard pleasant surprise commentary and we handed out four awards.  It was awesome!  I have to get my employee weight on record today and I’m planning to get back to monthly weigh-ins each Tuesday at my morning workshop.  

I am starting this year higher than last year but that is okay.  

I’ll bring the scale back down.  I need to recommit to myself and to my Weight Watchers Program.

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