

Mid-Week Check-In: Look At Those Blue Dots!

It’s Saturday.  The work week has kicked off and running.  I am hoping it goes by quickly because I have fun on the agenda for my days off.

I wanted to pop in with a mid-week check-in.  So far, this week is going GREAT!  I plan to keep the momentum going.

I made some tough decisions this week.  Tuesday I decided to stay home vs. engage in a social outing.  Can I go on a social outing and not have food/drink?  Sure.  But, is it as fun?  I bowed out of Tuesday in lieu of a planned Wednesday social outing.  Last week I met up with Phoenix for her Wednesday running club that is also a social club.  The members meet at a brewery and complete a run along the greenbelt and afterwards, they enjoy some adult beverages.  It sounds like my kind of club!  I’ve only been once and the members of Mikkeller Running Club are really nice.

Sadly, our plans did not pan out.  We have been hit with evening storms almost nightly and the storm on Wednesday was a dozy.  We had a severe thunderstorm come through set to expire just before the run/walk and made the decision to skip the meet up this week.  The running club ended up meeting as the weather improved a ton.  On one hand, I was super bummed to miss out on the social aspect but on the other, it saved me at on of points.  I also planned beer so I had two of my new favorite low calorie beers.

Yesterday at work was rough.  I didn’t feel like going home and cooking and eating out sounded so tempting, which is also what has been derailing me.  I called The Hubs and we made the decision to eat in.  I am so glad we did because I made a delicious pizza cauliflower dish and even had points left over for a low calorie beer.  I feel really great today after making that decision.

I’ve earned blue dots all week and also stayed focused on activity.  I need to continue with the activity through the weekend, which I’ve dropped the ball a bit. 

I am hopeful for a loss come Tuesday.  I must stay strong these last few days!

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