

Weekly WI: Uh Oh

Good Morning!  My weigh-in yesterday did not go well.  I 100% know it was NOT because of my commitment to my WW program.  I had been feeling bloated Sunday and Monday so I wasn’t surprised to see a 1.2 pound gain on my home scale.

I am hoping this is just a temporary blip and with persistence the scale will come back down next week.  I feel less bloated today (naturally, the day AFTER weigh-in) so I plan to continue business as usual.  I will also be returning to the gym this week after a two-week hiatus rehabbing a bum knee.  My self diagnosis was bursitis and while I still get the occasional pain spike, it is tons better.  As luck would have it, my plantar fasciitis in my left heel is giving my some pains as well.  Middle Age is not for the faint at heart!

To add insult to injury (not so much of a pun intended) I had to get my employee weight on record and I was up three pounds!!!  OMG what a nightmare.  I am now officially up 11 pounds from when I started as an employee in October 2021.  Y’all, what the heck is going on?  This is insane.  I refuse to get all depressed about it and make it worse but sometimes I find myself going down the rabbit hole of hormones and wondering is there is a miracle combination I have not yet stumbled upon after turning 43.  I know diet and exercise are key so I will continue to focus on both.  I also felt a little better when I entered my weight into my monthly tracker.  Down from June feels good.

My usually weigh-in day is Tuesday and so I check in on the scale at my morning workshop.  I try to be mindful of the amount of fluid I drink and I usually have an omelet so I am not starving while trying to coach.  I wish I had more weigh-in days/times available to me but working weekends make it tough to get to another studio.  I am still hopeful this is a temporary bump and I will be doing my August employee weigh-in on the Tuesday to come.

I also see the thyroid doctor in a couple of weeks I fear I will not be under 200.  It is always a personal goal that I strive so hard for.

Well, with that, I’ll wrap this up and get on about my day.  I hope your week is off to a great start too.

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