

Weekly WI: The Roller Coaster Of A Weight Loss Journey

Hello and Happy Thursday.  

I am a little late in checking in for my Weekly WI.  Somedays I just don’t know where the day goes but yet here we are on Thursday evening.


My weight-in was not great.  I am bummed and yet it was a big struggle last week.  My resistance muscle was low, and I did not prevail.  I gained 1.6 pounds. 


I am still a bit bummed and wished I had made different choices last week.  I can’t dwell on it and all I can do is move forward.  What feels stressful is I am out of town this weekend for Girls Weekend at Oktoberfest and then next week…Ireland!  So yeah, not the greatest time to be so close to the 200s.


I’ve been working the last two days on adjusting my mindset and trying to shift my focus away from how yucky I feel.  I have been tired and super bloated and so it is constantly on my mind.  I had more social engagements on my agenda last week than the weeks prior and I have social engagements this week as well.  Add to that and upcoming vacation and yeah…I’m feeling a little stressed.


Facebook memories boosted my spirit a little.  

2016 is when I reached my all time high for re-gain weight.  I feel proud that I can say as of this week, I have kept off almost 106 pounds, which is an additional 50 pounds lost from when this memory was posted.  Although I am not where I’d like to be post-vacation I am still proud of my success.


Onward we go!

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