

Weekly WI: The Downhill Climb

I’ve crested the hill and have started the downhill climb.  I’ve got a long way to go, but I’m working on it!


I had a very successful week where I refocused, followed through with a commitment to tracking, moved my body more, and balanced where necessary.  This week also had some social and a little sprinkle of eating out mixed in.  I am very happy with my loss as I was very strategic in how my week ended.


The goal this week is much of the same.  I have a little social and am working on building a meal plan that will set me up for success and provide some balance.  I dipped into the negative balance on my weeklies and this week may be more of the same.  The new progress tracker is where you will find your blue dots as it no longer colors it daily as it once did.


I like that it has blue for when you are in budget, grey when not, and no color on the day you didn’t track.  That is a helpful visual for the days that I skip tracking.  I am surprised that I didn’t count me as “in budget” on Sunday and Monday as those days last week I did not go more than 10 points over my daily budget.  Perhaps because I was in the negative for my weekly points?  I am not sure but I will keep an eye on the new addition of the progress tab.


I am working a 5-hour overtime shift than planning to meet Phoenix for a walk on her lunch break.  I am going to stick to my commitment with moving my body regularly.  I also have some meal planning and grocery shopping to do as well as baking a crust less pumpkin pie.  The recipe popped up on the WW app and I want to give it a go.


Cheers to another successful week where I give it my all!

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