

Weekly WI: A Tiny Pause - A Maintain

Good Morning!  Happy Tuesday.

I just barely squeezed out of some overtime coverage at work on top of my part-time WW gig today.  Oh boy, welcome to the holidays eh?  I’ve got a packed social schedule today and that didn’t include working with the motoring public today.  I have an overtime shift tomorrow and then took off Friday and Saturday so I could have a long weekend with The Hubs.  I also have some social meet-ups later this week.

Last week was 100% on track and after saving all my weekly points for a BSU tailgate party the Elks, last minute work coverage and a 2:45 a.m. wake up call created a change of plans.  Our consolation prize was going out to dinner at Dos Caminos for delicious Mexican food and spending my points on a 24 oz beer.

The new progress report continues to amaze me.  What I have determined is unless you are in the negative with your weekly points, you earn the “blue dot” and it is considered “in budget.”  I am used to earning a blue dot if you are within a range of eating eight points below or 10 points above.  I like this push to eat all your points as you are still “in budget” when you do.  It is a very healthy concept.

After eating in budget all week, I had a maintain.  I didn’t want to see a maintain a on the scale but I am relieved to protect my progress from the last two weeks.  I am still in the 200s so I have continued work to accomplish.  I have have more social calendar events ahead of me.  I feel like the new progress tab is encouraging me to use all my points and perhaps spread them out more than saving them for one big day.  Also, 100% tracking is key.  That is the plan this week although it will be harder to track and a lot more points!

We are taking about a great technique this week as we explore when we can’t do it all, how to make the few things we can do, truly doable.  It is a good technique.  When in doubt, I found some great advise online.

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