

Weekly WI: Upwards We Go...Again...


Happy Valentine’s Day


I hope you are spending time with a loved one today.


Oh what a week.  I have a HUGE gain at the scale and have gained back all but one pound of what took me three weeks to lose.




I lost my momentum when I went to Knoxville for a work conference (oh yes, I still owe you a post on that…) and upon my return, I wasn’t feeling 100%.  I allowed that to throw me off my game and made less-than-healthy choices for several days.  I almost skipped but decided to step on the scale Tuesday instead of Monday.  At first, I was shocked but then I recalled all I ate last week.  Ugh.  It is so easy to then get mad and go down the rabbit hole of self-criticism.  Which is exactly what this week’s WW Technique addresses.


Here is a one-month view.


Here is a three-month view.


The Hubs and I are committed to helping each other with accountability and work towards bring the scale down.  He needs to bring his A1-C back down and I really miss being in the low 190s.  It is time for a change!

I have tracked everything today and they day isn’t quite over yet.  I got called into work and may have to stay later than planned.  I’m not sure if there will be anything else consumed tonight but so far, it is an on-track day with some daily points left over.  I went to see Jim at the gym today and got in a good workout.  I plan to continue with ramping up the activity again as I had been for the month of January.


Tracking + Activity = Results

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