

15-Year Weight Watcher Anniversary

 Goooood Morning and Haaaaaaapy Thursday!  

That is a lot of pep for 6:30 a.m.  I have an overtime shift later today and I am taking Saturday and Sunday off this weekend.  It has been so nice to sprinkle in some days off with the husband the last two months.  

With our return late Sunday from our couples weekend in Spokane and Coeur d’ Alene, I decided to not step on the scale this week and risk feeling bummed about the progress I had made over the last three weeks.  Instead, I got back on track and am working towards making this week successful.  It has been hard to get back into activity and while my bum hip is telling me I need to walk, I felt so sluggish when I finally got out and about yesterday.  I will follow up with a walk this morning to continue to stretch out that side of my body and ramp back up the intensity as I had last week.  

My 15-year Weight Watcher Anniversary was also this week.  

What an amazing accomplishment.  I’ve been reading my blog post from when I reach maintenance in 2009.  These portions especially jumped out at me.  

I suppose I just started getting heavier and heavier in college. Living the single life and enjoying life in general. I can’t really say it was one thing or another. Poor food decisions and no exercise. I remember going to the doctor and slowly the scale started to increase. When the nurse weighs you, to be police they always started the weight at the 200 lb marker. I always told them to start it at the 250 lb marker as I knew I was over 250. One day she moved it to the 300 lb marker. I couldn’t even believe I was over 300 lbs. How did I get this way and why didn’t anybody tell me?? Because YOU have to be ready to change. Nobody can make you do it. Nobody can make you want to eat healthy and exercise. It has to be your choice and it has to be for the reasons you want to do it. 

It is amazing what an impact weight loss can have on a person. It is way more than just losing pounds or looking good. For me it was a whole life change. It was making the outside match how I felt on the inside. No longer hiding and no longer allowing myself to make excuses. I’m active, I’m alive, and I love my life. I have a great husband, great family and great friends. My support system is HUGE! And I am grateful for each and every one of my supporters. 

That last part is still true today.  I have been so lucky to have such great support along my journey.  As a coach, I get so much support from my members.  I love our WW Community.

It’s a beautiful morning so I’m going lace up my shoes and go for a walk.  Have a fabulous day.

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