

Sunday Rock Painting Party

It feels really good to back on the losing-train over the past few weeks.  I have my employee weigh-in on Tuesday so I’m hoping for another loss.


This week has been filled with some social eating, and one beer, but other than that, I’ve been staying on track.  I made the shift from MetPro back to WW on Friday.  On Thursday, I was still on the fence and thought I might continue with MetPro’s basic tracking features since I am not going to pay for the customized coaching service.  Then, I had one last check-in with my coach.  She explained she would roll me back to basic and I would lose come carbs.  What she didn’t tell me is alllll the foods I finally had access to went away.  Earlier in the week, I had corn, potatoes, and popcorn on the menu.  Now?  It was all back to feeling restricted.  So, I have concluded I am just not in the right space for this type of food plan commitment.  She also didn't share my humor.


We painted rocks during our work shift today!


The big rock in the middle is Morty, short for Mortimer.  He is our dispatch pet rock and even has his own name badge.  We had a team activity today where we pained several rocks to give Morty some friends.  They turned out great.


Happy Sunday!

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