

Working Out When You Are Tired

My current shift at work is dayshift. I work from 0600-1600 (6am – 4pm). In order to be at work by 0600 hours, I get up at 0400 (4am). This allows me enough time to get ready (which is only about 15 minutes) and then prep my meals and snacks for work as I cook my breakfast. My meal planning/prep is what takes the longest but is also was is really important to my weight maintenance.

Since I am already getting up before sunrise, getting up any earlier for a workout would be tough. It isn’t impossible but tough. I also make sure I get to bed around 8pm the night before so I can get enough sleep.

It is equally tough to find the motivation to workout after I get home from my 10-hour shift. To compensate, I try to get in as much activity as I can on my days off to but I can’t take every workday off of activity either. I try to workout at least two of my four days of work each week.

Wednesday night Kenyon and I didn’t get to bed until 9:30pm or so. Obviously, this was not enough sleep time and I felt it all day Thursday during my shift. I still needed to get in my activity though. I found this image on Google.

While I won’t say this works for me every time, I know I needed to get in a workout. Extended family is in town this week and we are celebrating my niece’s 9th birthday. I also already started my week out using more WPPAs than necessary. I decided to take a walk on the treadmillwhile catching up on the many TV shows on my DVD. It might not have been as brisk as it couldhave been but some activity is always better than no activity.

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