

A to Z Blog Survey

I found this on Tina’s blog and thought I would play along.

A.  Attached or single?

Married to Kenyon

B.  Best friend?

Kenyon tops that list too!  I have many best girlfriends too.

C.  Cake or pie?


D. Day of choice?

Any of my days off work

E.  Essential item?

My MacBook or iPad

F.  Favorite color?


G. Gummy bears or worms?

Worms, usually the sour ones.  Although if you haven’t tried chocolate covered cinnamon bears, they are pretty good.

H. Hometown?

Caldwell, Idaho

I.    Favorite indulgence?

Ice cream or other dessert

J.   January or July?

July.  I hate the cold

K. Kids?

Nope, none for us

L.  Life isn’t complete without?

I was going to say Kenyon.  But instead I will say travel.  Since Kenyon travels with me, it is the best of both worlds!

M. Marriage date?

March 21st, 2008

N. Number of brothers/sister?

Two sisters and one brother

O. Oranges or apples?

Apples.  Honey crisp, Braeburn, and Fuji are my favorite

P.  Phobias?

Not a fan of spiders and snakes.  I am scared of dogs and most animals

Q. Quotes?

I love motivation quotes

R. Reasons to smile?

Kenyon.  He makes me smile when I think of him…ahhhhhh….

S.  Season of choice?

Fall.  I love jeans and a sweater

T.  Tattos?

Four.  Here are two

U. Unknown fact about me?

I have a half colored eye

V.  Vegetable?

Not a big veggie fan but I love a good salad bar

W. Worst habit?

I sometimes worry about stuff that isn’t necessary to worry about.

X.  X-ray or ultrasound?

Weird question.  Neither?  That would mean you are broken and need fixed!

Y.  Your favorite food?


Z.  Zodiac sign?

Scorpio.  I have two Scorpio tattoos, both my sign and my symbol

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