

Fried Rice

I had left over rise from my Hawaiian party.  What better way to use it up then homemade fried rice or “fried lice” as Kenyon calls it!

I try to eat as many whole grains as possible so usually I eat brown rice.  But nothing beats the taste of Jasmine.  It is my all time favorite.  And because it is my favorite I serve it at my Hawaiian party.  I usually pull out my 10 cup rice cooker and make up a big batch.  I had a bit leftover so I decided to turn it into fried rice.

I didn’t measure anything out and just threw it together with what I had at home.

First I fried the egg and broke it up into little pieces.  I took it out of the pan and added the carrots with some olive oil to sauté for a little bit and then added the chopped up ham to brown.  I added the thawed peas and broccoli and cooked so the broccoli was slightly soft.  Lastly I threw in the left over Jasmine rice and then added some soy and teriyaki sauce to flavor it up.  I sprinkled in some minced onion at the end.

You can make fried rice with any ingredients and sauces.  Get creative!

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